Sunday, September 26, 2010


A lot can hide behind a smile. Depression, loneliness, divorce, all the above.

I've come to find out that a lot more people that I ever imagined are struggling with some major problems or difficulties, yet I always see everyone with a smile. How come people feel the urge to put on a face, a face that says "everything is okay" when really it's not? I've heard it said that people put up walls just to see who will break them down. If that's the case, wait right here. I'm going to get a hammer.

Mr. Faraone, the best English teacher I've ever had, had a quote on his wall from Plato that said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Truer words have never been spoken. It makes me question why anyone would ever feel the need to be mean. Even when joking or being sarcastic, putdowns hurt. I don't care who you are. It's like someone punching you but then saying it was a joke. That bruise on your arm says it wasn't. People already go through more than we realize, there's no need to complicate their lives any further.

Quite the opposite actually. Just look around. If you are a little more observant, look beyond yourself just a little bit more, you'll find those people who are struggling. And then it's time to start swinging the hammer. Think of how different this world would be if instead of putting people down, we built each other up. One can only imagine the effects.

If you're struggling with something, don't be afraid to open up to a trusted friend. You'll feel so much better. Also, look for opportunities to reach out to others. You can often minimize your burden by lifting another's. Funny how that works. Finally, try not to say anything mean, even in joking. It's completely unnecessary and more detrimental than funny. Your laughter should NEVER come at someone else's expense.

1 comment:

  1. andre.

    you should be a writer. you're amazing and i love you haha this is so awesome that you're doing a blog, i love reading your thoughts d: i wish i could think like you and spit out words like that! thanks for sharing :D
